Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Autumn Where Is It?

Judging by the weather we have been having you wouldn't think that Autumn is anywhere around.
But I'm sure if we hang on we will be wishing the cold hadn't moved in. I remember the year we moved back to Arkansas, 1976, it was just like this and the 1977 came in with a wintry blast.  We were wearing short sleeves and shorts in December then we were making school upon Saturdays in Feburary! Crazy I know but I remember not liking Saturday school!  I do believe my mother loved it. :)

I received some pumpkins today...what a blessing.  I am going to bake them then freeze the pulp for my pies, bread and cookies.  I love fresh pumpkin.  My son's favorite pie is pumpkin so I guess I will bake him one.  If you have a favorite pumpkin recipe, please share.  I would love to try it.
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