Sunday, April 24, 2016

Venturing Out

I am new at Blogging!  I want to post what is going on at the Homestead.  When I was a kid I loved keeping a diary.  So here we are, years down the road keeping a diary online....journaling...what ever the new terminology is.

My nephew is marrying in June and the wedding shower is today after Sunday School.  I bough him and his new bride to be an iron skillet, griddle, and lid.  Every new couple needs an iron skillet.  Fried chicken and corn bread are not right unless they are prepared in an iron skillet.

The garden is coming along fine and  our chicks are now pullets.  Life on the little hill is grand.  This is a picture of my clematis.  My mother bought me this and it has grown into a real beauty.



  1. I am so blessed to get to know you here! I wish I could lean in toward the chematis! Is there an aroma?

  2. They have a very light scent. But their beauty is so radiant!
