Friday, April 29, 2016

Rain, Rain, and more Rain

Rain, Rain, and more Rain.

The gardens have been growing but needed a drink in the worst way.  Today we have received plenty of rain.  We walked out and checked  the plants.  They fared well. It is raining again tonight.

I'm thinking about posting some of my recipes on here.  I might start with my Peasant Bread recipe.
It is and easy bread to make and so tasty! What do you think?

I made egg salad for our lunches today out of Gigi's eggs.....delicious!  I have been tired and glad today is Friday.
I was wanting to pick strawberries tomorrow but it is suppose to rain.  I will check the weather again in the morning.  We like to go to Ludwig and pick.The berry farm has beautiful berries.  I want to put up some strawberry jam.

The chickens are growing and counting down the days til we find our first egg.

Thursday, April 28, 2016


This is very hard to see but these sweet tweets are up above our light on our out building.  There were five eggs and we can see for babies!!!! I love new life.  We think that this is the same mama that built here last year.

We went for a four wheeler ride this afternoon and it was so enjoyable. Mother Nature is showing all her beautiful Spring colors.  Down by the creek the water was gently flowing and there was a coolness that was pleasant to the skin.

I made a surprise for Gigi, but she will have to wait til Laura delivers the package tomorrow afternoon.  I hope she is surprised.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016


Today has been what I would consider a peaceful day.  Our school was a busy place today with state testing. So glad for the lunch walks with Laura and the fresh air that clears the mind.

I came home this evening and invented a dish for supper 😌 wasn't too bad!😁

Bible Study was very interesting tonight we have started in Genesis 3 and we are linking it to the New Testament.  Where Christ was born of a virgin named Mary.

We took Alex and Madelyn to church tonight because their mommy was sick and daddy stayed home and took care of her.

And the peace that I have comes from our Heavenly thankful for this wonderful life. This is why I have peace.
Cross that I made my secret pal out of the barn wood from our barn c.1910

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Humidity Means Growth

Last night was more humid than it has been. Boy, oh boy, does the corn love it!  It is up along with the beans and okra and it looks like they grew 6 inches over night.
I love this time of the year and watching God's creations grow.

The first picture is of the East 
garden.. If you look closely, you can see the tomatoes and peppers. The bottom one is the North Garden and you can see the corn and beans making progress.

The girls and boys roosting. They are growing too!  Won't be long and hopefully we will be gathering some eggs.  They are a lot of fun to watch.  Chickens are so inquisitive. 

Monday, April 25, 2016

Just Another Monday

Monday's are always a busy day for me.  Starting a new week at school and fixing all the "problems" that have occurred since Friday.  The chickens are growing beautifully and are looking like fine specimens.  I can't wait until I am able to start gathering eggs.

My DH walked to the north garden with me to check on the progress there.  Corn, okra, beans, and some cucumbers have come up.  This is always so exciting to me.  The baby plants are peeking their small heads up and reaching for the sun.  God's wonders never cease to amaze me.  I always think of the scripture that says there is a time to plant, and a time to harvest.

While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.  Genesis 8:22 KJV

I helped put the chickens away for the night and enjoyed some jello with the hubby.

The humming birds have made their appearance.  This is hard to see but if you will look to the right of the feeder, you will see my little friend,

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Venturing Out

I am new at Blogging!  I want to post what is going on at the Homestead.  When I was a kid I loved keeping a diary.  So here we are, years down the road keeping a diary online....journaling...what ever the new terminology is.

My nephew is marrying in June and the wedding shower is today after Sunday School.  I bough him and his new bride to be an iron skillet, griddle, and lid.  Every new couple needs an iron skillet.  Fried chicken and corn bread are not right unless they are prepared in an iron skillet.

The garden is coming along fine and  our chicks are now pullets.  Life on the little hill is grand.  This is a picture of my clematis.  My mother bought me this and it has grown into a real beauty.
